This blog is inspired by my step-dad, Eric. We rarely agree on anything, and though we may have different means, I like to think we both have the same ends. This blog is about Christmas.
Growing up, every child for the most part waits in jubilant anticipation for Christmas gifts. List upon lists are made, trips to see Santa are traveled, then the wrapping of gifts commences, followed by the massive trash piles in the living room floor Christmas morning. Furthermore, lets not forget the Christmas lights both inside and out, the tree with tinsel that the cat always seems to eat, and the 9 foot blow up Santa that has found its place on your outside lawn...ah, yes, Christmas cheer.
Now let me be clear, a 9 foot blow up Jesus, in my opinion is just as tacky...
Over the last few years, I have cultivated my faith. I identify myself as a non-denominational Christian--or Unitarian Universalist-- or a spiritual but not religious, or a humanist. This is secondary; what is more important is how you live your life--How you treat fellow human beings.
Which brings me to Christmas, which is my favorite holiday. People are generally better towards one another. They do good things--volunteer at a soup kitchen, donate to their favorite charity, go to Church a little more. Why? Why not do all these things all year? Would Jesus only want you to be better towards each other around his birthday?
That is what it's about, isn't it--The birth of Christ, our salvation? Materialism is not giving thanks to Him. What does a tree have to do with Jesus?
And Santa...St. Nick to be exact, had good intentions and then somehow spun out of control unto this insane Christmas material frenzy. St. Nicholas was famous for his generous gifts to the poor, in particular presenting the three impoverished daughters of a pious Christian with dowries so that they would not have to become prostitutes. Cute, right?
So, yes, Merry Christmas...may the gifts you give your children keep them from becoming prostitutes. :)
Another Gentle REMINDER
15 years ago
I agree completely.
It always frustrates me when people who do not do squat for anyone suddenly become such charitable givers during the holidays. I don't get that.
Jesus, if you were to look at Him only (and not all the religious garbage that comes a long with Him by the Western Church) was a pure revolutionary. He cared for the poor, He loved the unloveable, and He walked with those who were outcasted by society.
Being a "Christian" in America is so much about shit, and so much not about who Christ really was.
p.s. my favorite holiday is Easter ;-)
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