Friday, July 24, 2009

The Last Straw: I am so Sick of Tyra Banks that I Can't Even Think of a Witty Title

It's one thing to be a model and follow the strict idea of beauty-to be hyper critical of beauty. It's something entirely different to realize the effect this has on society and continue to do it anyways.

As most people know Tyra Banks is a well known super model, probably most famously for Victoria Secret. But that's neither here nor there, now she hosts her own talk show and is pretty much in charge of America's Next Top Model. Between her career as a super model and her new television thing, she managed to develop her own camp for young girl to encourage self-esteem, Tzone . What a crock of shit!

This would seem almost noble and her way of giving back to society. But while she boasts building self-esteem for young girls and talking about real problems on her talk show, she is on Next Top Model preaching the same standards of beauty as it always does. She realizes the effects ridiculous images in the media has on young girls-hence the reason for the camp, but then on her model show, she hold these girls to the same insane standards, criticizing their hair, height, and even gaps in teeth. Now, I get the whole I am going to pretend to be a good person even though I don't really give a shit attitude. However, Week 4 of Top Model was a little out of control.

The goal was to pose as a dead girl in the photo shoot. Really? That is so not cool. Of all the offensive themes of modeling, this is my far the most insulting to women. It dehumanizes women and says violence against women is sexy. Note the judges comments where the one girl doesn't look sexy enough, she just looks dead. WTF!

So, this is the last straw for Tyra and I. I really don't like her. Please don't say you're advocating for inner beauty or for self-esteem, because Tyra, you just helped to tell those girls they look best dead.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Things you Never Learn in History Class

Last night I watched the movie Valkyrie. The movie depicts actual events that took place to overthrow Hitler. High ranking German Officers conspired multiple times (15 times to be exact) to attempt to assassinate Hitler and end the war. All of these attempts failed, and the final attempt occurred just 9 months before Hitler committed suicide. As one of the head organizers wrote in his diary, they wanted to world to know they not all Germans were like Hitler. He noted all the atrocities the Nazis under Hitler committed and even though what they were plotting to do was high treason, they had to plan this coup to inevitably save the world. Their last attempt, Operation Valkyrie, failed. Those behind the attempt, approximately 4,800 Germans, lives were ended as a result. Most were executed or committed suicide, if not sent to a concentration camp. It's noted that Hitler wanted these people to die a slow painful death by being hung with piano wire attached by a fishing hook.

My only wonder is why I never was taught this. I've had countless history classes that illustrated all Germans were Nazis, and all were horrible people. Never ever did I learn some of his highest ranking officers attempted multiple times to kill him. I think knowing this provides hope in society. Even in the midst of a horrible war, things are not always as they seem and there will always be people who stand up and a critical of their leaders.

I've been considering the actions of these people in regards to our own government. Hitler seemed like the savior to the Germans. They were in despair and he suddenly had all the answers. He seemed to good to be true, that no one held him accountable, he took their trust and ran away with it all the way to the ends of Europe. A labor movement somehow got transformed into a holocaust and no one was able to stop it. With enough convincing, everyone is capable of potentially following the wrong path.

We should always be critical of our leaders, even if we voted them into office. Just because they give us what it seems like we need, if they go off the deep end, we still don't need to follow. War for oil, war for greed, war for any reason really; ignoring Africa, letting human rights violations occur all over the world--we don't have to sit by and let it happen simply because your government tells you it's in your best interest.